A small loan

Wedding Loan – Many lovers dream of a real dream wedding with a castle, carriage and white doves. The fulfillment of these wishes, however, costs a lot of money, so that some couples for the time being do not marry or be content with a standard celebration. But everyone should realize the most beautiful day in their life. For financing, a wedding loan can help.

If you only need a small cash injection, you should look at our mini credits:

Financing a wedding – getting married costs a lot of money

When planning a wedding, many people who are willing to marry quickly realize that having the best day in their lives is a heavy financial burden. Wedding dress, wedding suit, rings, invitations, the band, the photographer, the food, the car, the flowers – everything costs money. More money than many can afford. And at the end is still the honeymoon on the list, which finally blows up the account.

Depending on the ideas of the bride and groom, between € 3,000 and € 20,000 can come together to finance the wedding. With an instant loan or wedding loan, young couples receive a quick financial aid, which gives them the opportunity to realize their individual dream wedding yet still.

Compare wedding credit offers

Instant loans exist both at banks and at savings banks. For weddings, the banks like to help with a cash injection. Above all, if the bride and groom are in permanent employment and have sufficient income, the loan is granted without difficulty. The loan amount of the lending institution amounts to 1,000 to 80,000 euros, with which one can finance a wedding.

In our unique credit comparison, we examine the offers and terms of the largest comparison sites.

The offers for fast loans are very different. For this reason, it is enormously important to inform and compare exactly. In the end, one’s own wedding should not be left in bad memory afterwards with an overpriced credit.

Benefits of instant and online loans

Instant loans are often not tied to a purpose, but above all, this loan variant can be included within a few days. Fast approval is possible because many processes are automated in an instant loan. When selecting the credit provider, attention should be paid not only to the interest rate but also to special repayments and residual debt insurance.

It depends not only on a low interest rate, but on the overall package to celebrate their own wedding due and without financial problems.

Finance tips for wedding

There are many things that you can consider to save at a wedding without giving up a great celebration, it’s just important to prioritize.

Tips for a cheap wedding

1. If possible, celebrate during the week
If you start planning early enough, you can also party during the week and you do not have to find a weekend appointment. During the week, many catering services and venues and companies offer significantly lower prices than on weekends.

2. Search service providers in their own environment
Financing a wedding can also save you a lot of money by looking at friends and family in the various services you need on such a day. Are there hairdressers in the family or maybe students who would like to earn something as a waiter one evening? There are also many people who photograph in their free time and are sometimes very talented. So here you can possibly save on a professional photographer.

3. Buy or borrow your wedding dress early

Even the wedding dress does not have to cost a fortune. Many stores reduce their prices in summer to make room for new collections. Alternatively, there are shops where you can lend clothes. Since you probably do not rely on a second wedding, this can be a sensible option.

4. Gifts of money as a financial aid
On average, in Germany, the wedding is worth 80 euros. So if you do not need new things for the household, you can also ask for gifts of money, and then again a decent cash injection should come together.

5. Second hand flowers In fact one possibility: If you are at a location where another wedding is taking place on the same day, it is a possibility to interact with the other bride and groom and to accept the flowers and in return pay part of the price.

Conclusion Wedding Finance

With a small loan and the above tips, you can finance a great wedding for everyone if you do not want to marry on a beach in the Caribbean. Then, of course, the financing must be a bit lavish.

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